Bootstrap vs. Materialize

October 15, 2021

Bootstrap vs. Materialize: Which one is better for you?

Bootstrap and Materialize are two of the most popular front-end frameworks available. Both of these frameworks offer a wide range of features that make web development easier and faster. However, choosing between these two frameworks can be a daunting task. In this article, we will compare Bootstrap and Materialize to help you decide which one is better for you.

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework that was created by Twitter developers. It's a popular choice among web developers because of its responsive design, extensive documentation, and a huge library of components. Bootstrap 5, the latest version of the framework, was released in May 2021.

What is Materialize?

Materialize is also a free and open-source CSS framework that's based on Google's Material Design guidelines. It's a relatively new framework that was released in 2015. Materialize gained popularity because of its modern design, CSS animations, and vibrant color schemes.

Features comparison

Learning Curve

Bootstrap offers a very gentle learning curve, making it easy to learn for developers of all skill levels. It comes with extensive documentation, code examples, and a supportive community that can help you if you get stuck. Materialize, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, making it best suited for experienced developers.


Bootstrap has a more traditional design approach, using a flat design with simple typography and a muted color palette. Materialize, on the other hand, has a more modern approach, using a more vibrant color palette, material design principles, and CSS animations.


Both frameworks offer a broad range of components, including buttons, forms, modals, and cards. However, Materialize offers some additional components, such as chips, date pickers, and range sliders, which Bootstrap doesn't have.

Size and Performance

Bootstrap has a smaller file size, making it faster to load on the client-side. However, Materialize offers better performance because it uses hardware-accelerated CSS transforms and animations.

Browser Compatibility

Bootstrap offers better browser compatibility, including support for older browsers like Internet Explorer 11. Materialize, on the other hand, drops support for older browsers and focuses on modern browser compatibility.


Bootstrap and Materialize, both have their pros and cons. When deciding which to use, you should consider your project requirements, your team's experience, and your personal preferences. If you're looking for a traditional design approach and a gentle learning curve, Bootstrap is a good choice. If you're looking for a modern design approach and better performance, Materialize might be the better option.


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